Friday, March 11, 2011

Google Reader

And so I begin with a shameless plug for my blog.
Using Google Reader, you can follow each and every wonderful, insightful post! If you don't know what Google Reader is, it is an RSS feed reader. Once you subscribe to my blog, you'll be notified of each new post as soon as it appears. Reader will deliver a shortened version of the post, and link you to the full version.

It's really useful if you have lots of blogs and sites you want to read, but don't have time (who does??) to check back on each blog.

Once you have set up Reader, you can just click the little orange RSS icon to subscribe.

To get started with Reader, just go here:


I'm Colin Bovet, a Freshman at the Leeds School of Business, CU Boulder. I'm a full-time student and part-time technology enthusiast. I love using technology for my classes to make life easier...or at least more fun! I decided to write this blog to share my discoveries for other students.
Most of the things I cover will be useful specifically for students. Everything I discuss will be free to use for students, and will improve your productivity, workflow, or just generally be useful.

So, without further ado, let's get started!